|  |  | Promoting Excellence in Nursing Practice to Improve the Health of Women and Newborns |  |  |  | Home > Membership |  | Membership |  | Our association is dedicated to establishing and promoting the highest standards of nursing practice. We welcome all nursing professionals involved in women's health, obstetric or neonatal specialties as NH AWHONN members. Your membership will help to promote our growing section's Mission and Goals to promote excellence in nursing practice to improve the health of women and newborns throughout New Hampshire. Please consider joining the leading professional organization for women's health, obstetric and neonatal nursing. Membership payment options: - Payment in full by check, debit card or credit card;
- Monthly direct debit option: Request information by e-mail: customerservice@awhonn.org
If you have questions or need further information: - Contact one of the NH Coordinating Team Members;
- Use our Contact Form; or
- Send e-mail to our Membership Coordinator, Koren Superchi, at ksuperchi@littletonhospital.org
Thank you for your interest in the New Hampshire Section of AWHONN. |  | to top |  | |  | | |