|  |  | Promoting Excellence in Nursing Practice to Improve the Health of Women and Newborns |  |  | | Home > Educational Programs |  | 2006 NH AWHONN Programs |  |  | S.T.A.B.L.E. |  |  | Date: February 6, 2006 Time: 8:00am-4:00pm Location: Southern New Hampshire Medical Center Speaker: Lisa McNerney, BSJ, MA |  |  | Date: April 13, 2006 Time: 8:00am-4:00pm Location: Speare Memorial Hospital Instructor: Lisa McNerney, BSJ, MA |  |  | Course Description |  |  | New Hampshire AWHONN presents "S.T.A.B.L.E." a course for Nursery and OB nurses, physicians, and respiratory therapists in community hospitals who work with sick newborns who get transferred to higher levels of care. It addresses what comes after the Neonatal Resuscitation Program, and emphasizes six important areas of concern: Sugar, Temperature, Artificial Breathing, Blood Pressure, Laboratory Tests, and Emotional Support (of the family). The mnemonic-based program developed by Kris Karlsen, MSN, RNC, NNP is designed to optimize learning, retention, and recall of information. |  |  | About the Instructor |  |  | Our instructor Lisa McNerney, RN, BSJ, MA is the clinical staff educator for Pediatrics and the Nursery at Parkland Medical Center, Derry, NH. |  |  | Registration Information |  |  | Fee: $75.00 for AWHONN members and $85.00 for non-members. Brochure: Download the Workshop Brochure (pdf/116KB). Contact information: Call 603-227-7000, ext 2909 or E-mail ahillman@crhc.org. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please bring 2 pencils, calculator, 2 pens, ruler and a sweater. 8.4 Contact Hours will be awarded. |  |  | Fetal Monitoring |  |  | Basic Fetal Monitoring |  |  | Date: April 12, 2006 Time: 8:30am-3:30pm Location: Portsmouth Regional Hospital Instructor: Pat Connors, RNC, MSN |  |  | Concepts in Fetal Monitoring |  |  | Date: March 10, 2006 RESCHEDULED FROM 12/9/05 Time: 8:30am-3:30pm Location: Concord Hospital Instructor: Pat Connors, RNC, MSN |  |  | Date: April 14, 2006 Time: 3:30am-3:30pm Location: Frisbie Memorial Hospital Instructor: Pat Connors, RNC, MSN |  |  | Workshop Description |  |  | The "Basic Fetal Monitoring" workshop is for the newer nurse who has little or no knowledge of fetal monitoring. The content will include an introduction to basic principles, physiology, and case reviews. The "Concepts in Fetal Monitoring" workshop is for the nurse with 5 or more years experience. The content will include fetal monitoring updates and in depth case reviews. |  |  | About the Instructor |  |  | Pat Connors, RNC, MSN, is currently a Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She has more than 35 years experience as a staff nurse and educator. Pat is certified in Inpatient Obstetrics, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, and as a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner by NCC. She is an instructor for the AWHONN Fetal Heart Monitoring Principles and Practices. Pat is also a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and a member of the AWHONN Consulting Group. |  |  | Registration Information |  |  | Fee: $40 for AWHONN members and $55 for non-members. Brochures: Download March Workshop Brochure (pdf/104KB) or April Workshops Brochure (pdf/87KB). Contact information: Call 603-227-7000, ext 2909 or E-mail ahillman@crhc.org. 6.6 CEU'S will be awarded by Wentworth-Douglass Hospital. | |  | to top |  | |  | | |