|  |  | Promoting Excellence in Nursing Practice to Improve the Health of Women and Newborns |  |  | | Home > Newsletter > Legislative Updates |  |  |  | Legislative Updates AWHONN Legislative News The latest edition of the AWHONN Legislative News & Views Newsletter is now available on the AWHONN website at www.awhonn.org. Read the latest news & views on what's happening on Capitol Hill as well as information about regulatory action and other health news. Within minutes, you can identify your federal legislators, choose an issue you are interested in, and send a prepared personalized e-mail/letter based on a template to your members of Congress. AWHONN's Legislative Action Center contains the complete congressional directory, House and Senate schedules, key bill status and AWHONN legislative alerts. Sign up for the Action E-List and be notified when you can make a critical difference on important issues. You will also receive our quarterly newsletter - Legislative News and Views - via e-mail. New Hampshire AWHONN invited to be part of a study Commission NH AWHONN Legislative Representative, Ann Hebert RN, was part of a study Commission, SB 57, Chapter 84:1, which met at the LOB in Concord to study ways to provide assistance to alleviate medical malpractice premiums for physicians in high risk specialties such as obstetrics and neurosurgery. The Commission met four times over this past summer and fall, and was chaired by Senator Joseph Foster of Nashua. The study Commission was made up of representatives from the NH Legislature, NH Insurance Department and Medical Mutual Insurance Co., NH Hospital Association, NH Medical Society, physicians and two nurses! Much data was gathered and discussed regarding the complex issues that surround malpractice rates, and the shortage of these specialists, especially in the rural areas of the state. As a result of the study, a majority of the Commission did not feel that a subsidy to the premiums, if the source could be found, would bring obstetricians back to underserved areas. The problem is part of a larger problem. Also, since legislation is being proposed by Senator Burling and the medical malpractice oversight committee was established under SB 214, the Commission felt there was no need to study this issue further at this time. Comments from Ann... "NH AWHONN owes Representative A. Laurie Harding, a nurse, of Lebanon, a big thank you for inviting NURSING to be at the table. I felt honored to be given an opportunity to be part of this work group and represent NH AWHONN. I was able to share valuable information about the specialty of obstetrics and the nurse's role. In turn, I learned so much about this important issue and the dilemma facing physicians and impacting women in our state." | |  | Page: Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |  | to top |  | |  | | |