|  |  | Promoting Excellence in Nursing Practice to Improve the Health of Women and Newborns |  |  | | Home > Newsletter > Message from the NH Coordinating Team |  |  |  | Message from the NH Coordinating Team AWHONN is recognized as the leading organization promoting the health of women and newborns. Your NH Coordinating Team is united towards this mission by planning events and conferences to meet your professional needs. It's been a busy season for the section, and we've hosted a variety of conferences along with the well established Fetal Monitoring seminars. Thank you all for your participation that has made these events successful. We are always interested in hearing from you about topics and issues that you'd like our team to focus on as we plan continuing education programs for 2006. Please contact one of the Coordinating Team members with your ideas or if you'd like to become involved. Our membership is strong and currently is at 210 nurses. Welcome to our new members, and thank you to those of you who have renewed your membership. It's the membership that make the NH section a success, so think about how you might become involved by attending an event, recruiting members, writing an article for the newsletter or joining the Coordinating Team. As a result of the August '05 election conducted by AWHONN, the NH section has elected new leaders. Sara Kellogg Meade, Monadnock Hospital, has been elected as the Section Chair, and Ann Hebert, Elliot Hospital, as the Secretary/Treasurer. Both will assume their 2 year term in January 2006. Also coming in January, we will share with you news of Coordinating Team members who will be assuming new appointed positions. The Coordinating Team extends a huge thank you to Cathy Hazelton, Portsmouth Hospital, and Colleen Whatley, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, for their expertise and service to NH AWHONN. They have done an outstanding job in their roles and provided strong mentorship to our future AWHONN leaders! Who is the NH Coordinating Team? Our team is made up of members from a variety of geographical locations within the state, as well as from diverse backgrounds and work environments. Please Contact Us if you would like to join this planning team. Mark your 2006 calendar... for the 2006 National Convention titled "innovate.lead.care" to be held in Baltimore, MD on June 24-28, 2006. For more information, please visit the national AWHONN website at www.awhonn.org. | |  | Page: Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |  | to top |  | |  | | |