| Announcements |
 | Dates, Times, Locations |
 | Directions |
 | Fees |
 | Continuing Education Units (CEUs) |
 | How to Register |
 | Payment |
 | AWHONN Membership |
 | Registration Confirmation |
 | Cancellation |
 | Refunds |
 | Additional Information |
 | Announcements |
 | We post announcements about current educational programs at our web site. We also mail announcements to NH AWHONN Members. If you are unable to locate a specific announcement, please Contact Us. |
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 | Dates, Times and Locations |
 | Dates, Times and Locations are listed on each announcement. This information is updated regularly, so check back often for the most current listings. |
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 | Directions |
 | Directions are linked to each announcement in a printer-friendly format. Please select the link, view and print the directions. For further information, please call the phone number, or visit the web site, listed on the directions. |
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 | Fees |
 | Fees for Members and Non-Members are listed on each announcement. |
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 | Continuing Education Units (CEUs) |
 | If an educational offering entitles participants to CEUs, the CEUs awarded are listed on each announcement. |
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 | How to Register |
 | Use our Registration Form, or mail or fax your registration to: Ann Hillman, The Family Place, Concord Hospital, 250 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301. Fax: 603-228-7279 |
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 | Payment |
 | We do not accept credit cards. Please make checks payable to: NH AWHONN, and mail to Ann Hillman, The Family Place, Concord Hospital, 250 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301 |
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 | AWHONN Membership |
 | If you are a AWHONN member, you must include your Member Number when you register. If you have a question about your membership, please Contact Us. |
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 | Registration Confirmation |
 | No confirmation of registration will be sent, so please mark the date and time of the seminar or workshop in your calendar! We will notify you by e-mail, however, if there are any problems with your registration or changes to the schedule. We will also post any changes at our web site. |
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 | Cancellation |
 | We make every effort to offer all programs as planned. However, the we reserve the right to change instructors, locations, dates, and/or times as well as cancel educational programs. Pre-registered attendees will be notified of changes. We will also post any changes at our web site. We assume no responsibility for non-refundable expenses incurred by registrants due to cancellation. |
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 | Refunds |
 | Written requests for refunds must be received within 48 HOURS OF the seminar or workshop. Any refund request received AFTER 48 HOURS OF the seminar or workshop will not be honored. Refunds will be issued AFTER the seminar or workshop. |
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 | Additional Information |
 | If you need further information about directions to a seminar or workshop, please call the phone number, or visit the web site, listed on the directions linked to each announcement. If you need further information about your registration or our registration policies, contact Ann Hillman at 603-227-7000 ext. 2909, or ahillman@crhc.org. |