|  |  | Promoting Excellence in Nursing Practice to Improve the Health of Women and Newborns |  |  | | Home > About Us > National AWHONN |  | National AWHONN |  | The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is a not-for-profit association of 22,000 health care professionals in the United States, Canada and abroad who are dedicated to establishing and promoting the highest standards of nursing practice. Organizational Structure Organization structure of National AWHONN: Board of Directors, a central headquarters, sections and chapters. The organization's vitality is enhanced because at each level members and leaders develop new ideas, create projects and share information. At the same time, to protect the organization's cohesiveness, all components of the organization need to comply with some common guidelines in conducting their business affairs. AWHONN has 50 sections formed along state lines. Canada also constitutes a section as does the Armed Forces. Chapters may be established according to geographic area and function within the sections that establish them. The Board of Directors may form special interest groups (SIGs). Sigs function under the policies and direction of the board. Only AWHONN members may be members of SIGs. A list of AWHONN sections, chapters and SIGs may be found on the National AWHONN Web Site. |  | to top |  | |  | | |